We've been at Hershey for one week. When we first arrived at our campground I spotted an RV flying a pirate flag, and I commented that I wanted to park next to them. It just so happened there was a vacant spot right nextdoor. Turns out they were the first people our age we have had the pleasure of camping with since we started this adventure. Our neighbors have a son who is 9. He loves legos and bike riding just like Shanti and we all became fast friends. Unfortunately, Jason and Monica had to go back to work (although they did play hooky for one day so they could visit with us longer). The good news is they are going to come back next weekend to camp with us again, and then they will be meeting us down on the Chesapeake Bay 3 weeks from now for another weekend.
This has been one of the nicest campgrounds we have been to. The weather has been perfect (sunny with highs in the low 70's and lows in the mid 40's). We have visited with Brian's grandparents twice at their home at a large masonic village in Elizabethtown, PA, and they spent one day at our RV with us. They are in their mid 80's and l hope we are as spunky as them if we make it to their age! We took the kids to Hershey's Chocolate World, and had fun learning about how they make their chocolate. We also attended a huge fall festival at the masonic village with thousands of people and lots of free food. Brian's Uncle Dean and Aunt Barbara drove from Delaware to spend the day with us. For those of you who remember stories about our trip to St. Thomas, Dean and Barbara are the ones who lived their for many years. They have been back on the mainland for 5 years, and seem to have adjusted well.
Today we had a visit from a 3 1/2 inch preying mantis on the side of our RV. One of my favorite things about our travels has been seeing all the different kinds of bugs, spiders, birds, mammals, trees, etc. A couple of days ago we were hiking through the forest when I almost stepped on a large Eastern Box turtle. It was very pretty with lots of orange, and it made me think of Sam in Austin with his collection of reptiles. I'll post more pictures the next time we get a faster internet connection. Our general itinerary is to spend one more week in Hershey, and then we will be camping in D.C. for one week where we plan to visit lots of museums and see Jason and Monica (not the ones we met at the campground in Hershey, but the ones who live in Baltimore).
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
More pictures

Daph's cousin John was a great guide at the Cincinnati zoo where he has volunteered for the past couple of years. 9/08

Shanti eating a boxed lunch (which hasn't changed since I last had one 30 yrs ago) inside of snowball cafeteria deep within Mammoth Cave.

The kids sluiced for minerals at Diamond Caverns which is where we camped inside of Mammoth Cave National Park.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Spiders and Bugs and Spiders, Oh My!
We have been camping in Wilmington, Ohio for one week. I have a little catching up and filling in to do so here goes....
If you have been reading our posts, then you may recall my birthday post last month. It ended with a comment about watching my dad and Shanti canoeing across a peaceful pond. Right after I finished the post, my dad and Shanti suddenly sounded distressed. I quickly road back to camp to see what the commotion was all about. It turns out that shortly before they got back to land Shanti realized there was a large female black widow right between his legs in the front of the canoe! Needless to say, he was not happy, but he did manage to keep it together enough that the canoe made it to land where he was able to jump out and run. Personally, I have always liked spiders (and snakes), but the poisonous ones do give me the creeps. While we were camping in Tennessee and Kentucky there was an exceptionally large quantity of large creepy spiders, and we ended up killing quite a few in the RV because I got a couple of nasty bites. I never made it a practice to kill spiders indoors in Texas since we had a large space to share with them; however, the RV just isn't big enough to share peacefully with the creepy crawlies. So now we are in Ohio, and the only spiders I have seen on a daily basis are daddy long legs and some large red mites. Brian was doing some general maintenance around the RV today, and he called me up to check out a spider which had set up a home inside of our RV hitch in the back of our pickup. It's brown, and it has a very distinctive reddish orange hourglass on its abdomen. It also had a very cool, and very large egg sac. Very carefully, with gloves on, we managed to capture the spider and its egg sac in a glass jar. While we were capturing the spider it pulled its legs close to its body and played dead. It was very easy to find photos and articles about the Brown Widow spider on the internet. Here's a website with pictures that look just like our catch if you are interested: http://www.247wildlife.com/brown-widow-spider.htm
We're not sure how long we will keep her, but she is safe for now and we dropped in some dinner for her.
Anyway, we're having a nice time, and have visited with my Ohio family. My Grandma turned 90 in August, and it has been nice to just sit with her (her hearing and vision are not so great). Daphnie's cousin John came out to our campsite to spend the night with us, and then he took us all to the Cincinnati Zoo where he has been volunteering in the summertime for a few years. John was great with the kids (I can't believe he's 17), and we all really enjoyed his company.
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