Florida Softshell Turtle.
Southeastern Lubber Grasshopper in Everglades National Park. 11/08
Having a blast at the beach...what a great ending to a very special day for us! 10/30/08
Outside the Obama rally. 10/30/08
Here's the bald eagle we spotted as we waited in line to enter the stadium for Obama's rally. Did I mention it was perched on a communications tower? "Calling all progressives, don't forget to vote!!" What a great omen for what came next!
During Obama's speech at the rally in Sarasota, FL on October 30, 2008.
Poop Master Brian taking a photo op break from dumping the tanks. Lake Lanier Islands, GA.
Gyan, Shanti, Kavi & Vashti...happy cousins.
Kavi, Deayne and Vashti after a trip to the Lego Outlet in Georgia.
You can take the girl out of the city, but you can't take the city out of the girl. On this day, Vashti spent most of her time talking to Sofia in Austin and her Aunt Lindsay in Dallas.
Our mighty traveler at the bottom of Mingo Falls, N.C.
Poppy enjoying a little rest after climbing many steps to Mingo Falls, N.C.
One of the views from the Blue Ridge Parkway.
Once again our camera doesn't quite capture the beauty, but it was a really lovely day.
Our camera doesn't quite capture how incredibly beautiful the smoky mountains were this fall, but you get a little taste from this pic. Notice the moon?
Hiking in Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
The kids had fun on their first ever pony rides at the fall festival on the Chesapeake Bay.
There were lots of great costumes in Colonial Williamsburg.
Cool kiddos.
The kids take every opportunity they get to climb trees.
Recruiters signing the boys up for the Union Army. Shanti got a little emotional talking to me afterwards because he didn't want to go to war or leave his family.
Reenactment of Union soldiers listening to a speech by Washington in Colonial Williamsburg.
Hanging out with Jason and Monica at Chesapeake Bay. We met them in Hershey, PA, and managed to meet up three times to camp together.
Monica is a no-nonsense kindergarten teacher, and Vashti loved being her little helper working on different projects.
Shanti with the other Jason and Monica
Daph in D.C.
This was the kids favorite in D.C. I'm not sure how many times we paid for them to ride the carousel, but Brian and Poppy got their fill :)

The kiddos striking some of their favorite poses inside the Washington monument.
WWII Memorial
Our native Texan at the WWII Memorial

D.C. sightseeing with Brian's Vietnamese sister, Ngoc.